Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Look out world...here I come!

So it has finally happened....for whatever reason, Grayson decided that he MUST get to my computer while I was on the floor. He took off crawling like there was no tomorrow. The video was taken well after the first motor session as I couldn't keep up with him (and our un-baby proofed house) and run to get the camera so instead we waited for Daddy to come home. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

7 Months Old!

So Sorry that it's been so long. Balancing work and home has been the topic this month. We are half way through our 3rd week of school. Our new sitter, Judy, is fabulous. A true Godsend for us and Grayson LOVES her...and her cats.
Grayson is now rolling like crazy, has two bottom teeth, eating all fruits and veggies and just started Cheerios. Noah particularly loves this new addition as most of them are ending up in his belly. Grayson giggles frequently and loves to sing gibberish. He spent the week in Wisconsin at the Rudich's lakehouse and came home with several new Packer outfits.
We can sit up now and love to pull from a sitting position into standing. He can even walk his feet with assistance. As soon as he puts this all together, I have a feeling we will be chasing him everywhere. He grabs at EVERYTHING and is quite fast and sneaky. I caught him pulling the cords out of the monitors in his room the other day when he was supposed to be napping. Right now, I can't help but laughing, but I suppose someday it won't be so funny...at least while he is around.
Hope you have a great ending to summer!