Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Gift in the Mail!

So Grayson got a package in the mail today from Gramma Davis. We love the chair and the books, but we especially love the box as you will see!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Moving and Grovin!

Well, we're now 8 months old. Grayson is a fast mover and has begun to pull up on things and move around. He loves electrical cords, computers, stereo equipment and Noah's toys. Good thing we've bought him toys huh? Grayson will be a lion for Halloween and we're looking forward to being in the subdivision Halloween parade this year.
Grayson also attended his first Packer game. We went to the game down here and many people commented that he was the cutest Packer fan they had ever seen....even Rams fans agreed. He did a great job at the game. Last week he went to his first Cardinals game too. Unfortunately now we will have to root for the Packers as the Cardinals decided to stink it up in the first round of playoffs.
Noah spends most of his time with his head up in the high chair looking for food. He is now obsessed with Grayson's high chair and is like a hawk during meal times. Grayson has 4 teeth and soon to be a few more based on some of his actions over the past few days.
Hope this finds you all doing well! We miss everyone!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Look out I come!

So it has finally happened....for whatever reason, Grayson decided that he MUST get to my computer while I was on the floor. He took off crawling like there was no tomorrow. The video was taken well after the first motor session as I couldn't keep up with him (and our un-baby proofed house) and run to get the camera so instead we waited for Daddy to come home. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

7 Months Old!

So Sorry that it's been so long. Balancing work and home has been the topic this month. We are half way through our 3rd week of school. Our new sitter, Judy, is fabulous. A true Godsend for us and Grayson LOVES her...and her cats.
Grayson is now rolling like crazy, has two bottom teeth, eating all fruits and veggies and just started Cheerios. Noah particularly loves this new addition as most of them are ending up in his belly. Grayson giggles frequently and loves to sing gibberish. He spent the week in Wisconsin at the Rudich's lakehouse and came home with several new Packer outfits.
We can sit up now and love to pull from a sitting position into standing. He can even walk his feet with assistance. As soon as he puts this all together, I have a feeling we will be chasing him everywhere. He grabs at EVERYTHING and is quite fast and sneaky. I caught him pulling the cords out of the monitors in his room the other day when he was supposed to be napping. Right now, I can't help but laughing, but I suppose someday it won't be so least while he is around.
Hope you have a great ending to summer!


Friday, July 31, 2009

6 Months Old!

What a month. We've been to Indianapolis, Madison, Rhinelander, and Cedarburg. We celebrated our first 4th of July and LOVED the fireworks and even went to a friend's farm last weekend.
Grayson is rolling like crazy and can sit in a tripod stance for a short period of time. He jumps like a mad man in his jumper and is trying so very hard to crawl. Today was his check up and he is now a little over 17 lbs. His weight and length are finally starting to catch up with his big head too. Almost everything's in the 50%. We also went swimming in a very cold pool while on vacation. He enjoys water and probably would've enjoyed it more if it wasn't so cold. We are also in love with Noah, who is the poster dog for patience and tolerance. Noah occasionally gives Grayson kisses which causes many squeals and giggles from Grayson.
Grayson is also fortunate enough to have 3 great grandmas that he got to get pictures with while on vacation. What a treat!
We also bought a new car honor of Grayson's half birthday. I'm sooo excited about the car and know that it was badly needed. I am back to work and staff start officially coming this week so Grayson is off to his new sitter on Monday. We LOVE her. School starts for students on the 17th so the summer is pretty much gone already.
Take care!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

5 Months

Hello again,
It's hard to believe, but Grayson's 5 months old today! We are very active...bouncy and LOVE to stand with assitance. He is also beginning to giggle, however as soon as he starts he gets the hiccups which makes it hard to keep giggling. I did include a clip of him attempting to laugh between giggles. Hope all is well!

Sorry this is jiggly...he's in a bouncy chair. VIDEO

I can jump! VIDEO

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We're Serious About Fun!

So what do you do with an almost 5 month old in 100 degree heat? Well, play inside with all of your toys. Grayson is learning so many new things each day. We are eating some solid foods and get sooo excited when we put a bib on. So far we've enjoyed Rice cereal and Sweet Potatoes. As you'll see in the video, we just started Peas. Grayson is also learning about frustration. He is totally infatuated with a frog on his activity bouncer, however, seeing as we are teething, if we can't get it in our mouth, it causes quite commotion. There has been many times when I have come into the room to see some pretty serious conversations and yelling at Mr. Frog. I believe we will become a blankie baby. He really enjoys burp cloths and will often cover his face with them when he is trying to sleep. He also will hold them next to his face and suck his thumb at times. Grayson can also sit up pretty well in his little seat. He tilts to the side once he gets tired but it's amazing how strong he can be. Another new love?...Being read to. He gets super quiet and watches the pictures with intent. We'll be up in Wisconsin during the second week of July. Hopefully we'll get to see/meet many of you! Take care and stay cool.
Yes...she gets a little crazy with the camera.

This is me playing in my exersaucer. VIDEO clip. Sorry the quality is so low.

My first taste of Peas. Mmmmm.... VIDEO clip.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Nick is in Orlando so we're sending our thoughts and smiles his way.  Grayson is teething.  Loving the fact that we woke up every 2 hours last night and that we seem to always be crabby.  Our smiles and talking are sometimes difficult to catch.  Good thing he's so cute!
Wondering what the noise is in the background?  Well, that's the furry brother Noah talking too!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

4 Months

4 Generations
Daddy and Grayson at Andy's rehearsal.
Ready to go swimming!
My mommy keeps saying that I get the formula drunks.
My Little Monster Costume from Gramma Martini
VIDEO of me playing.....
Happy June,
Grayson is now 4 months. Boy has it gone by fast. In the past month, Grayson has become extremely alert, begun to babble a lot, plays on the floor with toys, moved to his crib at night, started teething (yes...teething), and rolled over for the first time. He is quite the mover and shaker and every day he learns something new. He LOVES Baby Einstein and to watch his little Packer mobile in his crib.
We are planning a trip back to WI in the next month or so so hopefully we'll get to see and even meet some of you for the first time.
Have a wonderful start to your summer!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Three Months

Sorry it's been so long. I'm learning how to balance home life with the work world...Grayson is now 3 months. He loves ceiling fans, his Packer mobile, all of his chairs, and most recently any toys that dangle in front of him. He is able to bat at things and can grab at faces when he wants to. He also loves to talk and is trying to learn how to laugh. I've attached a video for you to hear his talking...disregard my prompting in the background. It's also a little dark, but you'll get the cuteness of it. Hopefully we'll get to meet most of you at the wedding this week. We're very excited!

This one is the video. Click on Play button on left lower corner.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I can smile!

Hello everyone,
Thanks to Aunt Carrie, this is our new favorite toy. I say "our" because it actually stopped him from crying last night while I was trying to make dinner. He laughed and giggled while I ran frantically through the house trying to find the camera. Needless to say, by the time I found it...he was pretty much done. However seeing as morning is one of his greatest times, we tried again this morning and were successful. Enjoy BOTH the video and the pictures! Take care!

Alright mom...I'm sooo done with this.....

Friday, March 20, 2009

Another Visit

Gramma and Grampa Davis came to visit this week while Nick is in Orlando.  We had beautiful weather and took Grayson outside in the stroller for many walks and adventures.  Take care!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm One Month Old!

So tired of these photo shoots Mom!
He got a little tired of the sign....
I love my Daddy naps!
Hello! Can you believe it? Grayson is one month old (well technically it's not one month, but heh...February only has 28 days)! Things are still going well. Grayson hates being changed...he cries...he enjoys getting a bath...he initially smiles and overall he is spending more time awake. Especially last night from 1:30 a.m - 4:45 a.m. He had his own party in his bed, didn't cry, just laid and looked around making lots of noises.
This week he finally gets to meet his Great-Gramma Martini. Great Gramma and Gramma are coming down to help out while Nick goes to Oklahoma City for a few days. We will go back to the doctor to get a check up (and some shots). Based on our scale, we think he is now topping out around 8lbs! It's hard to believe that this is a typical birth weight for many babies.
Take care everyone!