Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I can smile!

Hello everyone,
Thanks to Aunt Carrie, this is our new favorite toy. I say "our" because it actually stopped him from crying last night while I was trying to make dinner. He laughed and giggled while I ran frantically through the house trying to find the camera. Needless to say, by the time I found it...he was pretty much done. However seeing as morning is one of his greatest times, we tried again this morning and were successful. Enjoy BOTH the video and the pictures! Take care!

Alright mom...I'm sooo done with this.....

Friday, March 20, 2009

Another Visit

Gramma and Grampa Davis came to visit this week while Nick is in Orlando.  We had beautiful weather and took Grayson outside in the stroller for many walks and adventures.  Take care!